Saturday, June 7, 2014

T-25 Does Not Stand For Time – 25 I think It’s Torture 25 Different Ways!

A few months ago I decided that I needed to step up my workout routine since I wasn’t seeing the results that I wanted to after doing some research, apparently not enough; I decided to purchase Shaun T’s T-25.  I figured that everyone that I knew that had done his Insanity workout looked amazing after 90 days so why not give this a try. 

My workout DVD’s arrived about a week after I ordered them.  I was so excited about it and could hardly wait to get started.  I sat down and worked on my workout plan.  I decided that one of the things that I like to do is watch the news while I ride my exercise bike so I decided that I would get up at 3:40 instead of 3:50.  I would do T-25 first and then spend about 15 minutes riding my exercise bike and watching news.  This sounded like a great idea to me; after all it was only a 25 minute workout DVD so how hard could it really be.  I knew that the T-25 program was only 10 weeks, such a short time to get up 10 minutes early every morning.

I decided the following Monday would be an excellent time to start.  So the first Monday I get up, put on my workout clothes and head to my workout room.  My workout room consists of a TV, DVD player, a yoga mat, thigh master and two exercise bikes; one for me and one for my husband because apparently we can’t share one.  I walk into my workout room all excited about my new workout routine and how amazing I’m going to look in 10 short weeks.  I put my hair up in a ponytail, turn on the TV and put the DVD in the player.  I can hardly wait to get started.  The first thing you see is Shaun T who explains that one of the workout buddies is doing a modified version and IF you get tired you can follow her, what does he mean IF.  The first day the workout is called Cardio which really means sweat profusely and use parts of your body you didn’t remember having and that you will know that you have for the next week.  I figured that I should probably start with the modified version after all this is my first day, so the workout begins.  At the 2 minute mark I’m silently swearing at the TV and wondering when the torture was going to end but I keep going.  At the 15 minute mark I have sweat pouring out of every part of my body, even parts I didn’t know you could sweat from, and my swearing is now out loud, I really hate Shaun T at this point.  We get to the 12 minute mark where he announces that we are over half way done and to keep going, after all it’s only 25 minutes; he really means 25 different ways of torture.  I tell myself you only have 12 more minutes you can do this.  Next thing I know we are at the 5 minutes mark and somehow my hair has come out of the ponytail and is stuck to my face and neck and my hatred for this man has intensified but before long we begin the count down 10, 9, 8 I can do this, 7, 6 you’re doing it, 5, 4, 3 almost there 2, 1.  I was expecting balloons falling from the ceiling with confetti, after all I just completed the most grueling workout I deserved some sort of an award.

I continue this workout routine for 6 weeks, of course doing the modified version because let’s face it I’m not in shape yet.  So I start week 7 thinking I’m so amazing look at what I have accomplished so far so I need to step it up again.  I figured why continue doing the modified version, why not step it up and do the regular workout.  I turn on the TV, put my hair up, turn the DVD player on and get in position for my workout.  The workout is called Speed, ok I can do this after all I’ve been working out for 6 weeks.  The workout begins and I immediately realize that I can’t keep up but that’s ok I’m going to go at my pace but not doing the modified version.  The first 5 minutes everything is going great and then all of a sudden my body when one way while my right knew went the other way.  OMG the pain was so bad.  I sit down on my yoga mat and start rubbing my knee.  After a few minutes I figured I’m ok so keep going.  So I get up and begin what I call my version of the modified version.  I finish my workout, get ready for work and go about my day as though my knee doesn’t feel like it is on fire.  The next morning I get up thinking that I had given my knee a rest so I was fine I could do my work out, after all I still have 3 weeks to go can’t stop now, what a mistake that was.  I’m now sitting on the couch with my knee propped up and an ice pack on it hoping that the pain goes away.  I guess it’s time to switch to Sweatin’ to the Oldies, just a though . . .